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INTRO ヽ( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )ノ : MysticAngelCraft is one of the most fun mcpe servers. Here you can play with your friends and family in roleplay, survival games, towny, creative, plots, minigames and jail! You start with $20-25k depending on who you are. From there you can buy blocks and items from "fallen shop" for you to build.


ROLEPLAY ☆⌒(ゝ。∂) : There are many babies on the server so of course we would have an adoption-center, here you can adopt children to play with you! There's a day care for babies that need to learn and play with their friends. We also have schools for you to meet new people and learn new and exciting things. There is a beach for you to chill and sun-tan with you squad too!





SURVIVAL GAMES (メ ̄▽ ̄)︻┳═一 : In survival games you can play with or against your friends, or just a random person. We have created an arena for you to play in. When someone falls out of the arena please to not attack them anymore and you will win. If the no one falls out of the arena it will be a fight till death.


TOWNY [$(°-°)$] : Our servers towny is awesome! You can get job to earn money for buying items or blocks. This can help you build the house of your dreams! Another way you can earn money by completing or winning in mini games. Having the economy plug-in is a privilege so please do not ask for money or steal money from other people. If you do i will remove the plug-in so please do not ruin it for the other people on the server.





CREATIVE ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪ : In MysticAngelCraft (MAC) you may NOT have creative unless you are Owner, CoOwner or Admin. Please do not ask for c-mode for that could get you banned. Do not ask for Owner, CoOwner or Admin either. If you do recieve creative you may only use it in fantage. ANYWAYS... In creative you can build a house or store without having to buy the materials.


PLOTS ʕ •ω• ʔ : We have plots in towny for people to know where the boundries are to how big you can build. The plots are extremely big so please do not complain. You and only you can build in your plot unless you are aware of another person building in your plot and your ok with it. Do not build or destroy blocks in other peoples plots without permission from the owner of the plot.





MINI-GAMES __φ(。。) : Our servers mini-games are very fun. So far have parkour and capture the flag. If you have any other ideas for the servers minigames please comment on the servers instagram @mysticangelcraft there you can say what mini-game we should add. So far we have three parkour mini-games. One is at spawn, and if you finish it you will recieve $10,000. If you finish the parkour at parkourparadise you will recieve $20,000, and our last parkour is still in progress. We have capture the flag (ctf) too! You start on a pedistal and you will recieve a kit. The kit includes an iron helmate, a stone sword, some apples and one stack of wood. Use your wood sparingly because you will only recieve the kit once each game. So if you fall off then you will not get your stuff back. To start the game the team leader for both teams must say go.


JAIL Σ(▼□▼メ) : DO NOT BREAK THE SERVERS RULES! The second time you do you will be sent to jail. Depending on which rule you break the time you spend in jail will vary. We have created jail for the people in the server who are being disrespectful towards other citizens on the server, or they are doing bad things.


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